Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Fear Beer Bear Pages 5-6

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Sketch Alternative
Tell Me a Storey

Second Crack at the Walnut
Walnut being Maya Animation. Currently in Raquel's class and re-learning the media in a completely different process from when I took it with Primo a couple years ago. Now the class has become heavily involved with story and not as just an animation test. The process we've been going through is much slower and careful (maybe it seems that way because the class is only once a week) but I want to do it just as we are being instructed this time and not try to push any boundaries... yet. As of now we are just learning how to do transitions, that is, breaking up the timing of all the secondary actions to give a nice fluid motion and liveliness to the character. Here is a simple test we completed to practice. Everyone did the same test but achieved the result differently, giving a different story to each test depending on the action.
Friday, November 5, 2010
"So... This is Skagway..."

Alaska wasn't that cold because I went during, the only practical time to go. The only way to get to Alaska is either by plane or by sea. My family took a cruise this summer to five different areas of Alaska (one being not Alaska, but Victoria, Canada). I think this is one destination that taking a cruise is a good idea. The towns of Alaska are so small that you can spend just a few hours at each city and still feel like you didn't really miss everything. However, the wilderness is inspiring. The air is 99.9% clean and if one looks up to the sky, it is not unlikely to see a couple of bald eagles!

Vis Death: The Kill of All Time

Paris, J'ai Encore Vous Vous Souvenez

My way of thinking was changed and so my way of drawing was changed. I came out of Paris with a new unique thouch to my drawings. Someone mentioned to me the other day, you've had this cool style since Paris, and I realized I've came to really respect my own art as well as appreciate everyone else's since that first day, seeing the Effiel Tower for the first time I knew the trip was going to be something to cherish.