Friday, October 31, 2014

Inktober - Day 31 (FINALE)

IT'S DONE!!!!!  Thanks for following my inktober month!  HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Inktober - Day 30

The eve of Halloween is upon us, let's get into the spirit!  Let's see what happens to this little tyke tomorrow...

Also, I'd like to give my impression of inktober a day early so that my last post tomorrow isn't too long.  Overall, it was a worthwhile experience to participate in and I'm glad it'll finally be over.  I've definitely become more confident with the medium and it really challenged me to take inspiration from the smallest things to generate new ideas.  Plus, an inked drawing looks so nice when it's done, something about the contrast of the black and white in inking makes every drawing look very appealing.  However, the problem with me and these daily projects is that there were many occasions when I felt pressed for time, and would often find myself at the eleventh hour scrambling to finish a piece to "turn in" for the night, and had absolutely no time to work on any other projects.  I thought I'd have more time on the weekends, but that notion actually turned out to be the complete opposite.  Maybe it was just this month or just bad time management, but seriously, at this point, I am dubbing this my first and last inktober, at least the full daily experience.  Perhaps next year I will do one a week or something smaller, but I'd encourage any aspiring and growing artist to try the full 31-day challenge at least once!  Everyone, have a great last day!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Inktober - Day 29

Today, I saw a man that looked like this picking up litter on the street and putting all of it in a nearby trash receptacle - thought that was pretty rad.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Inktober - Day 28

A family of frogs moving from their swampartment.  I resorted to river animals today because I need to spend some time this week making my costume for Halloween.

Inktober - Day 27

I posted this to my tumblr earlier, but forgot to post here right after.  Anyways, my brother gave me the soundtrack to the new Smash Brothers so of course I had that on my mind today.  Here's a tribute to one of my favorite characters, glad he's coming back!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Inktober - Day 26

My Halloween costume this year - King Bob from Recess

Inktober - Day 25

I just got home, I'm tired, so I'm just going to pull one from my sketchbook again.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Inktober - Day 24

Quick one tonight, got stuff to do.  I found out someone I know is a secret yo-yo master!

Inktober - Day 23

Today's piece is inspired by the documentary Twin Sisters which is online to watch HERE!

I heard about this documentary last year when it was released in European film festivals, and I was so thrilled to finally get to see it!  It's about twin girls from China who were adopted by two sets of parents from separate countries - one lives in America, the other in Norway!  What's interesting about this story is that they both knew of each other, but they live in such different environments and speak different languages.  One actually lives in my hometown, so it was fun drawing some iconic structures from my city.  Also, Fresvik, Norway is freaking GORGEOUS!

If you have an hour, watch it!  You'll get so many feels when they finally meet!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Inktober - Day 22

I was out late tonight so I didn't have much time for inktober today.  I sketched this really weird idea on the train and inked it when I got home.  Egg collector, I don;t know... haha

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Inktober - Day 21

Apartment life with this girl and her dog.  We all have those lazy nights, and more over, we all have those YouTube binge nights.  Guilty...

Monday, October 20, 2014

Inktober - Day 20

Decided to try something a little different and draw something random without much context.  I doodled this strange character on a post-it note earlier today, so I went ahead and made my it my inktober piece.  Even I'm not entirely sure what it is...

Inktober - Day 19

Just got back home hanging out at a local pub that host live Celtic music.  What a perfect way top end the weekend.  If it's every Sunday, I'm definitely going back.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Inktober - Day 18

Another long day and late night.  I'm pretty tired so river animals it will be for tonight...

Inktober - Day 17

Forgot to post this last night, was pretty busy but I did a piece before leaving work yesterday.  Again, river animals are for those long days, which might be the theme of this weekend.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Inktober - Day 16

True Detective is probably my favorite series this year (so far).  Here's hoping season 2 is just as good!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Inktober - Day 15

I've been working on a comic this pass summer, concepts and story are still in progress.  While I'm not sure exactly when I'll want to post any actual comic panels, this drawing is of one of the characters.  Well, he actually looks different, but this is a moment piece with the same character in a different situation.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Inktober - Day 14

I'm pretty beat today honestly, I'm probably going to sleep early tonight.  So during these nights, I will resort to drawing river animals.  If you see more river animals in future inktobers, you'll know why.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Inktober - Day 13

It's going to rain tomorrow.  Not sure how hard, but any would be nice right now.  Anyway, I'm trying to be a bit loser with my ink, but imply hard edges with thin lines of white paper between black ink.  The contrast of ink on paper is both its challenge and its beauty.  Inktober is definitely making me more confident with inking; my technique can still use a lot of learning.

Inktober - Day 12

I was originally going to draw Mozart with regular headphones, but changed it to ear-buds after I saw that exact same idea on Google Images when I was searching for a portrait of him.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Inktober - Day 11

Got home super late, but I've gone too far with inktober that I can't skip a day, haha!  I must keep going, good thing it's the weekend.  Anyway, today my friend said I should draw a Demon DJ, so I tried... It didn't quite turn out how I wanted, but that's what happens when it's late and rushed.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Inktober - Day 10

Scarecrow possess crow.  A quick one before heading out to celebrate the start of the weekend.  It's been a long week, and it's not over yet...

Inktober - Day 9

It's always hard to think of what to draw after a long day, so I find the best thing to do in those situations is to create a piece based on something from your day.  Tonight after work, I had an awesome time volunteering some time at a shelter for homeless or those living below the poverty line, and in San Francisco, that's a tough spot to be in the city.  The residents and other volunteers are super nice and interesting people, so I've been going back over the pass two weeks.  Please everyone, let us not forget to take some time out of your busy, scheduled lives, and do our part here and there to make this world a wonderful one to live on.  At the end of the day, you'll feel ten times better!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Inktober - Day 8

It's one of these nights that makes these daily sketches challenging to keep up with.  I literally got home 20 mins before this post and I'm pretty tired.  I was very tempted to skip a day and do two tomorrow, but I decided to just do a really simple sketch for #8.  This time I just went for it, no pencil underlay and I was way more timid to even start!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Inktober - Day 7

The game I worked on for about half this year is finally out on PC/Mac/Linux (Console release soon)!  I had the pleasure of working on a lot of the animations and the team did a tremendous job tearing through this project to ship it in time for Halloween!  Please check out the trailer/details HERE.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Inktober - Day 6

When I was a kid, I always thought the Jackson's Chameleon was a small Triceratops, mainly because of the three horns and wanted one as a pet.  Now that I know better, I want one even more!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Inktober - Day 5

Today, I spent half my day helping out at a farm, uprooting plants and churning the garden bed soil in preparation to plant new crops... and in doing so.. murdered hundreds of bugs and destroying their homes.  Poor guys... they chose the wrong place to live.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Inktober - Day4

I took my friend to IN-N-OUT burgers (their first time!) and they wanted me to draw someone is a disney-esque style.  Here's my attempt at it, and with a new brushpen.

Inktober - Day 3

Jinora from season 4 of the Legend of Korra.  Forgot to post this after my tumblr.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Inktober - Day 2

It's going to be challenging keeping this up on the week nights, especially when I have other matters to attend to after work.  I got home pretty late tonight, but took an hour to concept and spill out this ink quickie!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Inktober - Day 1

Technically it's the second day of Inkotber, but I got home late and still wanted to participate for the first day.  And of course my brushpen ran dry after being neglected for months.  For those of you wondering, Inktober is an event more or less started by artist, Jake Parker, in which participating artist create drawings made with ink mediums throughout the month of October and post them online.  It's a chance for amateur inkers, like me, to learn and develop as well as have some artistic, communal fun!